Photo Book: Sanctuary

As a growing photographer, my library is starting to collect a number of photo books.  This is one that fits right along with the City of God project.  Thomas Roma is a photographer based in New York City.  In Sanctuary, he presents 52 black and white photographs of  churches in the city of Brooklyn. You may not know, but Brooklyn over the years has been known as the City of Churches.  The claim has been made that Brooklyn has more churches per square mile than any other city in America!  The reason for this?  Brooklyn is a city of immigrants, and immigrants bring their faith with them to their new country.  Roma presents the multi-spired cathedrals and the many storefronts across the city, emphasizing  the gritty urban contexts of the bigger churches along with the close and intimate details of the storefronts.  Henry Louis Gates, Jr. writes an introduction featuring both the history of Brooklyn and the social and theological nature of its churches.   

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