News: Grant Awarded for Documentary Photography Project
November 23, 2021November 18, 2021
Dear Rev. Dr. Balentine:
Congratulations! On behalf of the Louisville Institute, it is my privilege to share with you that you are one of 25 pastoral leaders selected to receive a 2022 Pastoral Study Project (PSP) grant. This year, we received 93 applications from pastoral leaders throughout the United States and Canada. The quality and creativity of the applications made the work of the selection committee challenging, and we are excited and humbled to bear witness to the incredible ministries taking place.
A significant benefit and expectation of your grant is participation in the Pastoral Study Project Consultation in Louisville, KY, January 31–February 2, 2022. Information about logistics and travel arrangements for the gathering will be sent separately. Louisville Institute will pay your travel and lodging expenses.
Finally, we will officially announce all PSP grant recipients on our website and social media around December 1. Keri Liechty, Communications Coordinator, will be in touch with you regarding that announcement. In the meantime, you are welcome to share your news with friends and family, but we ask that you don’t post on social media or in other public spaces until after November 22 to ensure that all of our applicants have been notified.
Congratulations once again! We look forward to learning with you as embark on your study project.
With warm wishes,
Aimee C. Moiso
Associate Director
Here is a link to the official announcement on the Louisville Institute website: